Kanye West to release a "The Life of Pablo" follow up this summer

Kanye West to release a "The Life of Pablo" follow up this summer

Kanye West can't hold the news that his working on "The Life of Pablo"'s follow up. Today, in a series of tweets the rapper both 'announced' that his new album will be released this summer and critizied the GRAMMYs.

He hasn't given any more details on the new record but he gave the Grammys a shout out by saying the awarding system is outdated.

Meanwhile, Billboard has confirmed that streams of Kanye West's new album on TIDAL won't count towards their chart. Confusion remains about whether the record will be put on sale elsewhere.

Billboard has said in a statement, however, that Tidal streams won't contribute to its albums chart because of its exclusivity. Sales management company Nielsen Music have not received any data from the platform. The statement added: "Billboard has been informed that Tidal is not currently reporting streams for tracks on Kanye’s album to Nielsen Music."

The streams will also not count towards the UK albums chart.