UK's BPI is ready to take legal action against the UK Pirate Party

UK's BPI is ready to take legal action against the UK Pirate Party

The BPI - alias British Phonographic Industry - is the British trade association uniting record industry's music companies (including Warner Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, and Universal Music Group),manufacturers and distributors and hundreds of independent music companies and their labels. Obviously its interests are pretty different from the Pirate Party's one and the two are coming to a direct confrontation that could end in a tribunal.

The friction started last month when BPI sent a letter to the party’s leader, Laurence Kaye, asking for the removal of a proxy website supported by the Pirate Party and providing access to infamous file-sharing website The Pirate Bay.
Kaye refused and answered that his party was ready to defend itself from this "significant threat. Not just for the sake of the Pirate Party, but because of the principles at stake. I have always believed that it is not just enough to have principles, you need to act on them too, even if it gets difficult".

The BPI, on the other hand, is determined to have the proxy site shut down and BPI CEO Geoff Taylor said: "The Pirate Party have responded to our request to remove their proxy. Despite our efforts to resolve the matter amicably, it is clear that the Pirate Party are determined to continue providing access to the illegal Pirate Bay site. Our solicitors will now be formally writing to the members of the Pirate Party’s National Executive Committee.