Kanye West gets his own cryptocurrency: the Coinye West

Kanye West gets his own cryptocurrency: the Coinye West

From January 11, the fast-growing world of digital currency (cryptocurrency), will have a new player in the game: the Coinye west currency.
As the name clearly suggests, we're talking about a digital Kanye West-themed currency. Its creators (who want to remain anonymous, probably because the whole project constitutes copyright infringement and the rapper wasn't involved in it) during an interview with Vice explained: "Coinye West is a cryptocurrency for the masses. Bitcoin is for hardcore money-hoarders, and Dogecoin was more for the Internet-meme crowds … Our goal with Coinye West is to make it easier for people to use cryptocurrency. Right now, it’s kind of a dark art for people to mine coins".
They also added: "We chose to represent Kanye because he is and always has been a trendsetter, and he’s always keeping things unique. I can picture a future where Coinye is used to buy concert tickets, with cryptographically verified virtual tickets, and other ideas I can’t give away just yet".

The two creators also invited West to drop them a line, possibly avoiding legal hassles and lawsuits: "We’d love if Kanye named dropped Coinye. I think he’s gonna love that there’s a currency named in his honour. We don’t want to pay him off to name check us, but it’d be sick if he does so. In-fact, we’re making an open invitation to Kanye: Get hold of us at coinyewest.com and we’ll send you 100,000 Coinye on launch. A hundred thousand. Bitcoin started small too, and now look where it’s at".
