Kirk Weddle unearthed photos from Nirvana’s 'Nevermind' shoot

Kirk Weddle unearthed photos from Nirvana’s 'Nevermind' shoot

Kim Weddle is the photographer who shot the iconic picture of the baby in the pool which was used for the sleeve of Nirvana's breakthrough album "Nevermind". But Weddle also took photos of the band based around the theme of the pool: he met Cobain, Grohl and Novoselic on October 28, 1991 at a L.A. pool for a shoot and he shared his memories of the day:

I remember Kurt was like, "Fuck! I have to get in the pool?".  He was not a water guy at all.

According to Weddle, the shoot was at 10:00 a.m., the weather wasn’t very good for swimming outdoors and the band had just returned from a tour: Cobain was tired and exhausted he even napped by the sie of the pool.

Despite the not so great situation, Weddle managed to capture nearly 200 images of the band in and around the water, even with their instruments. - and for years, many of these pictures have remained unseen. The photographer explained:

I’ve just kept them stacked in a closet, unorganized.

Recently a few appeared in "Montage of Heck" and Austin’s Modern Rocks Gallery has made many available for sale.

Take a look at some of the pictures in the gallery below, and head to the Modern Rocks Gallery website for more and to place an order.