Article 13: Vivendi, IFPI and others concerned

Article 13: Vivendi, IFPI and others concerned
News | Music Industry News | 14/12/2018 14:00

Earlier this week, we reported on the latest discussion points in Europe’s ‘trilogue’ process finalising its new copyright directive, including the Article 13 section focusing on user-generated content platforms like YouTube.

A group of rightsholders from music and beyond have published an open letter to the European Commission, Parliament and Council expressing concern about the Article 13 section focusing on user-generated content platforms like YouTube.

The document claims:

We have reviewed the European Commission text/non papers on article 13 and we have serious concerns about the direction of travel.

One of those concerns is about whether “solutions that seek to qualify or mitigate the liability of Online Content Sharing Service Providers” for copyrighted content uploaded to their platforms risk undermining the original goals of the legislation.

The letter continues:

Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, the text now put forward by the European Commission would need fundamental changes to achieve the Directive’s aim to correct the Value Gap / Transfer of Value.

. UMG’s parent company Vivendi and music bodies the IFPI, Impala, the IMPF, IAO, Gesac and ECSA are among the signatories.