Smarter Than You (Instrumental)

(Eggman) I'm smarter than you, you're even dumber than you look
(Tails) im smarter than you, you're not a genius, just a crook
(Eggman) I'm saying you're brainless, I'm clever
(Tails) you're spineless I'm better than you
(Both) I'm smarter than you

(Tails) I'm a two tailed fox, with a high I.Q
Can science circles trying tool like you
I'm a genius, Supremous, a non parrel
You're an egg yearning pants, as far as I can tell
You're a clumsy clod with a rotten brain
Get a Dr. doc cuz you're legit insane
Go get on some meds, mabey take a few doses
Cause extreme psychosis is my diagnosis
I'm something special, you're a crack pot poser
I've got a mind you couldn't touch
My wit gets sharper, while your gut gets grosser
Face it, I'm simply to much

I'm smarter than you
(Eggman) no you're not!
(Tails) you're not a doctor just a fraud
I'm smarter than you
(Eggman) that all you got?
(Tails) you're wits embarrassingly flawed
I'm saying I'm smarter you're thicker
Think harder I'm slicker than you
I'm smarter than you

(Egg man) wanna match wits well I beg your pardon
I'm in erospace, you're in kindergarten
I don't have time for your lab rejects
Cause you're incorrect about your intellect
You got half a brain, when compared to me
My I.Q. goes on beyond infinity
Every thought you've had baby, I've had two
I got all the cards you ain't got a clue
You're fooling no one you're a poor pretender
A kid who's in above his head
If you were wiser you'd at least surrender
Guess I'll just kill you instead

I'm smarter than you
(Tails) no you're not!
(Eggman) you're mental prowess can't compare
I'm smarter than you
(Tails) that all you got?
(Eggman) this ain't no third grade science fair
Im saying you're fully inferior
I'm fully superior to you
I'm smarter than you

(Tails) gotta say I expected more
From an egg I've beat a million times before
Did I turn up the heat?
Is this to obtuse, well I'm only 8 so what's you're excuse?
(Eggman) you can't burn the candle to the lights of me
I've got three degrees and a PhD
You're a two tailed freak, Gotta search for purpose
So back off clown, go join the circus
(Tails) you're a few bricks shy of a modest load
Every plot you've got, I'll make your plans implode
Using physics, statistics, ballistics,
logistics, realistically you've got nothing but gimmicks
(Eggman) youre up to speed that's rhetorical
You're an engineer that's adorable
I'm a pro with robotics, a bio electronics
You know what's ironic, a sidekick to Sonic

(Tails) you underestimate me at your peril
You burn your tongue with every diss
(Eggman) your just a sling shot I'm a double barrel
So how about you get a load of this

I'm smarter than you
(Tails) no your not!
(Eggman) you've got a tiger by the tail
(Tails) I'm smarter than you
(Eggman) that all you got?
(Tails) enjoy another epic fail
I'm saying your senses are slighter
(Eggman) I'm blatantly brighter than you
(Tails) I'm smarter than you
(Eggman) no you're not!
(Tails) your acumen's extremely low
(Eggman) I'm smarter than you
(Tails) that all you got?
He) I picked a quit and you're to slow
(Tails) I'm saying you're dumber
(Eggman) you're weaker
(Both) the outcome is bleaker for you
I'm smarter than you!

Writer(s): Andrew Pinkerton
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