
So what do you think, we may see you guys on the road this year?
You're just gonna record the album, chill out, and then head out next year?

You know, I mean, right now the game, the game plan is to hit the studio this fall
I mean, that's where our heads are at
That's where we feel you know that we're, we're ready for it
So as long as we get the green light from the record label to
You know give us our budget and let us go in and make this record

Then you know, then that's our main goal right now, is just bang this out, get it ready
And then more than likely we probably wouldn't hit the road until after the first of the year
But you know, I don't want to rule that out anything's possible in this business
Shall things pop up all the time and opportunities pop up
But you know, the main priority is once we get in the studio

It's highly unlikely that we're gonna, you know, leave until we're finished with the CD
You know (right), I don't want to put it off
Once we get in that, in that mode of recording
You know, we'd like to just, you know, see it through and finish it, you know

Let me ask you, what do you tell like
You know, young up-and-coming guitar players that
You know, wanna get out there and do what you've done?

Well, I mean, well, not just guitar players, I think just local bands overall
I mean, we've been very passionate about
You know, local scenes growing up and, you know, when we were part of it
And I always still keep an eye out for, you know, any upcoming talent to try to
You know, help along the way

And, you know, there's a couple of bands that we've kind of
Been trying to work with a little bit to get going
And I think the, the thing that a lot of these bands and some of these musicians lack is the hunger (right)
You know, I just think that they really get lazy, you know

And it's unfortunate because, you know, in our position, you know
If we meet a band, a lot of them think that, okay, well, now we met, you know
The guys from Disturbed, maybe they could, you know
Now we could sit back and let them just take it to the label and wait for our deal (yeah)
It's not that easy, you know
You got to want it more than anybody else
You got to work hard for it

And, you know, I think as far as guitar players
I think that your instrument has got to become, you know every, you know routine
Like you know, everyday thing, like getting up and brushing your teeth and eating breakfast
It's just got to come natural to you that it's automatic
You pick up your guitar, you're constantly trying to
Not just improve it as a player, but just to try you know improve as a songwriter
Because I mean overall, that's what it is

You don't have to be the best guitar player in the world
But you know if you develop your skills in songwriting
You know that's what's going to get people's attention
You want to send a message and have material that's gonna
You know to get that kind of reaction out of people
You know you can't really second guess it either, though you know (Right)

I think when we were coming up, we never
You know we started out a garage band doing it first
We never imagined that there was any radio or anybody that would play what we were writing
We just you know we hoped that it would happen someday, but we never
You know thought it would you know come to that
But I just think, like I said, you just got to be hungry
And you got to go out there and want it more than the next band does

Absolutely. I saw the little notation on your page
You can have anything you want in this world as long as you're willing to sacrifice everything for it
I thought that was quite inspiring

For sure
I think that's just always been the attitude within all of us within the band
I mean we've sacrificed so much
You know if you want to get rewarded in life
You got to make those sacrifices you know with any job (Absolutely)
You got to be committed to what you do
And you know nothing's ever come easy for us

It's always been a battle
And you know it does make you appreciate it more when you achieve that certain goal
You know you that you earned it because nothing was handed to you
I don't know, I just think that makes us constantly
It keeps us hungry as a band still to this day
It keeps us always you know proven to ourselves that
You know that we're you know capable of accomplishing so much more

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