Radio Segment, Pt. 6

You are listening to Stay Human Radio and
We are very, very blessed this afternoon to be joined by
A very special caller on a very, very sorrowful day it's, ah
We have on the line with us, Sister Fatima
Calling us live from death row, how you feelin' today, Sister?

Well, I can't say I'm feeling really good because I'm, ah
Facing imminent death (mm)
However, ah, my spirit is strong, um
I know the love of my people is with me and, um
I know that my spirit will be free, in any case

What do you have to say to people on this
On this last evening?
I have to say, and make it very clear
That I'm innocent (mm-mm)
I did not do this crime (mm)
I am not a murderer

And I think the people know that I'm not a murderer
Because (mm) I've been a healer
I've been working in the community for decades
I've been serving the people body and soul
I've been trying to spread love not hate

Politicians want to kill me
But they'll never kill my spirit (mm-mm)
And they will never kill
The spirit of our people and our
Willingness to die for freedom (mm-mm)

What do you think is the main reason that
They've selected you as the scapegoat in this?
They wanna put a stop to my advocacy
They know that I advocate revolution

They know that I want to unite people
Whereas they wanta keep people divided
They're afraid of our unity because
We are the overwhelming majority
They're a tiny minority now and they know that

Well, Sister we thank you for, for calling in and we
Will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers and
We still have faith that they will not execute you tonight and
We thank you and pray for you

Thank you very much for your concern and for your love
And long live the spirits of Malcolm and Martin, George and Jonathan
La lucha continúa menseraimos

Writer(s): Michael Franti
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