Sarah Palin vs Lady Gaga

Epic Rap Battles of History
Sarah Palin versus Lady Gaga

Oh boy, look what we have here
A transvestite with a keyboard trying to be freak of the year
Your voice sounds like a rooster having sex with a frog
They put a lot of lipstick on you but you still look like a dog
Put down that teacup honey, go put on some pants and
Stop letting little monsters teach you how to dance and
You may be Gaga, but you ain't a lady at all
I've seen those outfits you've been wearing
That takes big balls

I think I'd rather elect a smurf than vote for you
Governor of Alaska? That's like the principal of a home school!
You are the sum of everything I despise
With the most dysfunctional family since the Jackson fucking Five
Just trust me, your 15 minutes of fame came and went
Go back to your igloo, spend some time with your kids before they're pregnant
Your frigid little body couldn't even handle what I do
I think the truth is, Sarah, my music just scares you

Your music doesn't scare me, I'm a mother of five!
I killed moose with my bare hands before you were alive
Everything you do is just a rerun of Madonna
Your fans are in a frenzy like a bunch of gay piranha!

I sound more intelligent than you when I fart
I wonder if you even know how to spell the word 'art'
You don't belong in politics, you belong in a hockey game
History will regret you like Jo-Jo-Jo-John McCain

Who won? Who's next? You decide
Epic Rap Battles of History

Writer(s): Peter Shukoff, Lloyd Leonard Ahlquist
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