What's Your Story

Story, story, what's your story?
Story, story, what's your crime?
What got you here?
Rage, lust, or fear?
We all got a story 'cause we're doing time

Ra ta ta
Ra ta ta
Ra ta ta

Tell your story. Ra ta ta

Um. OK, fine. My boyfriend had meth in the glove compartment of
our car and I got pulled over for something else and a cop found it

Ooh! Well, did you dump that good-for-nothing drug planting boyfriend!

No, we're still together. I love him

Oh. Well, did you at least tell the cops that it was his meth?

I mean, I could have turned him in,
but my boyfriend and I have a son.
I can't risk our child having both parents in jail

That's true. That's-that's a good point

Story, story, let's hear another story
Story, story, that one was just sad
What does your story say
About the patriarch-ay?
We all have got stories 'cause we did bad

Ra ta ta
Ra ta ta
Ra ta ta

Story, go! Ra ta ta

Okay! I stole a sweater from the mall

Ooh! Had you been stealing all your life?!
Was this the culmination of a life of kleptomania?
Or were you doing it to stick it to the problematic fashion industry?

No..., the heat went out in my apartment
and I couldn't afford a sweater, so I stole one

Oh hey, I stole a sweater too!
I got two months, how long are you in for?

Three years

Story, story, these are barely stories
They're just bleak anecdotes with no start or end

Go tell-tell your story, tell your story

Ok sure, I have a story. I'm in here for murder

Ooh! Murder! Juicy! Ra ta ta

While I was driving,
my daughter texted me that she was in the hospital and I got so
distracted that,
I hit a teenager who was crossing the street and he died

Story, story, oh my God with that story
Story, story, take away her chair

Okay, you know what, I'm just gonna share my story,
because you guys aren't really versed with a sense
of story structure, so I'm gonna show you how it's done

I was a no-good,
manipulative love addict with undiagnosed
borderline personality disorder. I swindled!
I cheated!
I called out a hit on my ex-boyfriend's girlfriend
Then, one day, this guy Trent came into my life.
He was ironically just like me. And he tried to kill the man I love,
so I pushed him off a building! And then,
when I plead guilty just for like, metaphorical symbolism,
the judge knew I was innocent so she didn't
accept my plea but I wanted to go to jail anyway

Wait, what?

You don't have to be here?

You chose to be here?

Ra ta ta
Ra ta ta
Ra ta ta

Writer(s): Adam Schlesinger, Rachel Bloom
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
