Fingertips Pts. 1 & 2 (Live)

Ladies and gentlemen, now I'm gonna do a song taken from my album
"The jazz soul of little Stevie"
The name of the song's called, uh, "Fingertips"

Now, I want you to clap your hand, come on
Come on
Stomp your feet
Jump up and down, do anything that you wanna do


Everybody say, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
Say, yeah
Say, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Just a little bit of soul
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Clap your hand just a little bit louder
Clap your hand just a little bit louder

I know that everybody had, yeah
Everybody have a good time
So, if you want me to
If you want me to
I'm gonna swing a song
Yeah, just one more time (yeah)
Until I come back

Just one more time
Will I come back?
So goodbye

How about it, let's hear it for him, huh?
Little Stevie Wonder
Take a bow, Stevie

Come on
Goodbye, goodbye
A-goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

I'm gonna go, yeah
I'm gonna go, yeah
But let's, let's swing it one more time

How 'bout it?
Go on, shake that rump for me, real good
Stevie Wonder

Writer(s): Henry Cosby, Clarence O. Pauling
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