Be Free

Your subconscious mind, runs your life

Release past memories and reprogram the subconscious
To become loving awareness
Recollect past memories, Resurrect past emotions
Re-embody your emotional body, remember who you are

Release past memories from your beautiful body
Rexperience all of the emotions that are stagnant this body
Those trapped emotions created energetic blockages
Those blockages are the cause of all suffering and disease

Where an emotion wasn't expressed, it caused a short circuit in your body
The prana, the life force energy wasn't flowing through your body
This trapped emotion attracts more of like emotions
Manifesting into disease

Be free from disease, detoxify your body
Detoxify it from the stagnant energy releasing trapped emotions
Release and you will survive, purge and you will thrive
Shake it out, cry it out, get it out of your body

Dont be afraid to feel
Get angry, get mad, get happy, be excited, be sad
Express yourself, every emotion
Become the awareness of your emotions

Embrace and feel
You are the universe of emotion
Your emotions will set you free
To live in peace and harmony

Be Free

Writer(s): Michael Barnes
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