To God and My Country

The throbbing in my head is getting worse
As I can see you spit and curse
At everything that I believe in
But I'm supposed to sit there
With a fake smile on my face
Feeling like the kind of monster
Who'd be in agreement

Exceptionally manifest
The destiny of us
Oppressing everyone
Who looks a little different
While spouting off whatever
Comes across your Instagram
And Facebook pages
And other stupid rhetoric

And holy fucking shit
I'm so damn tired of all of this

Huffing around like you own the place
I think a quick left hook
Might put your head on straight
'Cause my blood is boiling over
And my heart is disappointed
Is this what it feels like to be an American?
You tell me

Your sweaty palms are resting
On the button to the atom bombs
You'd rather blow it all to hell
Than question all the cards you're dealt
There is no getting through a skull
That's busy building walls
And you'll go blaming everyone
Before you say that something's wrong

And I just can not
Take any fucking more of all of this

Bitching and moaning and trying to save face
For the land of the free and home of the brave
'Cause the only way forward
Is to admit all of the ugliness
Is this what it feels like to be an American?
You tell me

And while all this is happening
The empire marches on
Taking land, polluting water
Making dead zones in the gulf
Taking other countries' oil
Bombing people left and right
But no one's ever gone to war
Over some wind or sunlight

Writer(s): Aj Stewart
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