
I heard you're sorry for loving me
And tired from all the constant pain
You're life would probably be better off
If I would simply just walk away

夏日持續的高溫 讓我視線都變模糊
跨過這整座城市 見你給你我的全部
那時年輕瘋狂的我們 一切都不在乎
那段夢一樣的時光 消散 像清晨的薄霧

當負擔逐漸變得沉重 直到取代愛
為何人總在失去過後 才開始明白
曾經的兩人相互傾述 都對彼此依賴
最後卻要用沉默 強行逼著對方離開

I heard you're sorry for loving me
And tired from all the constant pain
You're life would probably be better off
If I would simply just walk away

I heard you're sorry for loving me
And tired from all the constant pain
You're life would probably be better off
If I would simply just walk away


愛從不是對壘 沒有對錯
希望你可以睡個好覺 不再被迫
可當我卸下偽裝的平靜 但卻沒有一人聆聽
夢中一片漆黑 我在墜落

I heard you're sorry for loving me
And tired from all the constant pain
You're life would probably be better off
If I would simply just walk away

Writer(s): Chris Perry, Hua Chang Lee, Shan Shan Liu, Han Qun Li
Lyrics powered by
