Rape - Live

Yum-yum, the stars are out
I'll never forget how you smelled that night
Like Cheddar cheese melting under fluorescent light
Like a day old rainbow fish, what a dish
Gotta lick my lips
Gotta dream, I daydream
Thorazine brain cloud
Rain, rain comes coming down all over her

There she is on the hill, pale as a posy getting soaking wet
Well, I hope her petticoat shrinks right up
Well, little shepherd girl, you're gonna kingdom come
Looking so clean, the guardian of every little lamb
Well, beep-beep, sheep I'm moving in
I'm gonna peep in Bo's bodice
Lay down, darling, don't be modest

I'm gonna slip my hand in
Oh, that's soft, that's nice, that's not used up
Wet? What's wet? Oh, that's just the rain, lambie pie
Now don't squirm, don't squirm
Let me put my rubber on
I'm a wolf and a lambskin Trojan
Oh, and let's give them a little extra space for laughing
It's so good, it is one of my best, best moments
Oh yeah, oh yeah, that's hard, that's good

Now don't tighten up, Bebop
Open up, Bebop
Lift that little butt up, Bebop
Come on, no fun whining, Bebop
Come on, nothing can stop me now
Isn't that good, my melancholy Bebop?
Oh, don't cry, come on

Now get up, let's dance in the grass
Come on, let's cut a rug, let's jitterbug
Come on, roll those little tiny white stockings down
Bobby Sockle, let's flow
Come on let's date, mate, let's copulate
Under the stars, come on, Bobby Socks, let's flow

Come on this is a dance contest
Under the stars, let's Alice in the grass
Let's Betty Boo poop, let's Betty Boo poop
Let's Bird land, let's stroll, let's rock, let's roll
Let's whale bone, let's go
Let's deodorize the night

Do you have any questions you want to ask me or anything?
I'm serious, like do you want to ask me anything, 'cause-
Oh golly, what a question, I don't know
I was just thinking to give me shelter a couple minutes ago
Who, Jane? Fine, sweet
Any more? (What happened with kale?)

Oh, you'll see, he control time
(What about Television?) Oh, you'll see
Oh, reservations are being accepted at CBGB's for Television
New Year's Eve
Oh, I just might

How's Pete?
Pete, Pete, Pete
Oh, he's getting better, he's getting better
Just keep praying for him, he's getting better
All rock stars are getting better
All sick rock stars have been sick this week
We've been, we sent them so much stuff
They're all getting better, foots are healing, ankles

That's how you, that's, I mean it's already a medical proof
That you can heal people like that, I mean it's like documented
I mean miracles, miracles aren't just like a religious thing
They actually like happen
They're just energy field stuff, you know
Could happen any day
So what, any more questions? (How's Dylan?) He's fine

Well, I guess that's all Is my light flashing yet?
Is it almost time? See, this is my new thing I'm good to be doing
I'm practicing up right now
The one neat thing about New York that I've always really loved in performing here
Is you always let me try out a new thing
You know, like if we had a new song we were workin' on
You know, you always let us work out our songs
You know what I mean?

'Cause when I go someplace else, I already writ them
But you know, it's real fun
So this is anyway, this is my new thing I'm working out
And it's, you know, like to talk to you know
It's gonna be like a monologue
Like on Johnny Carson's show, you know
He tells his monologue, and it can't flop because everybody loves him
You know what I mean?
It's sort of like that

I think I have something else
What did I have?
I thought I had a surprise, I can't think

Oh, I can't remember what my surprise was
So like, being like, if we're all, if everybody's having like a good time
Then we could, and there's a whole lot of people, maybe the most
We ever had to talk to, just remember like that
That no matter what like, what kind of creepy times
You know, rock and roll goes through, it always goes through creepy times
And we made it up, so we can always make it cool again
You know, so don't worry about nothing
And here's my golf swing

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