Bad Joke Banter - Live

Oh, well, if you insist
I do have a classic
This, this joke got me signed to my record company
Um, well, there was a, there's this traveling salesman
And he was bragging to his buddies, he's a fuller brush man
He says, you know, I look just like Magellan
And he said, "How, how are you?"

Do you think, what do you think the literate
Oh, this is Washington, D.C, you know your history
I'm always afraid nobody will know who Magellan is
And then it won't make any sense
Alright, let's, let's take a brief
For those who don't, let's, let's, let's just forget
Let's put the joke over here

Now I'll be like a school teacher
Ferdinand Magellan
Oh, now Bobby Jones
You know that he was the one who
The first man who sailed around the world

Actually, 1492
Actually, I wasn't that great in history myself
Anyway, they said, "Alright, well, prove it to us, Charlie"
And he says, "Alright"
So, uh, he, he takes the sales guys out on his route
And he puts them behind a bush
And he goes over to a split-level

He knocks on the door and the housewife answers
And her robe is open lecherously
And she says, uh, she, she looks down at his ware
And she says, uh, hey, Charlie
You wanna go around the world?

And she did
And he did
With lovely Matilda McGill Cuddy
That very housewife
They went all around the world

And wound up in Australia
Where they overheard a conversation of two kangaroos
And the papa kangaroo said, "They were the children"
And the mama kangaroos said, "My pocket's been picked"

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