In the Stone (Live)

Ladies and gentlemen
Put your hands together for the elements of the universe
Earth, Wind and Fire

I found that love provides the key
Unlocks the heart and souls of you and me
Love will learn to sing your song, oh-oh-oh-oh
Love is written in the stone (is written in the stone)

Every man I meet is walking time
Free to wander past his conscious mind
Love will come and take you home, oh
Love is written in the stone (is written in the stone)

In the stone, you'll find the meaning
You're not standing tall
In the stone, the light is shining
Ever touching all

Never, never, my darling
Never you'll be alone
Forever, forever, my darling
True love is written in the stone

Never, never, my darling
Never you'll be alone
Forever, forever, my darling
True love is written in the stone

Awn, everybody, alright
Yeah, yeah, awn

Writer(s): Allee Willis, David W. Foster, Maurice White
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