This Day God Gives Me

Strength of high heaven,
Sun and moon shining,
Flame in my hearth,
Flashing of lightning,
Wind in its swiftness,
Deeps of the ocean,
Firmness of earth.

Strength as my guardian,
Might to uphold me,
Wisdom as guide.
Your eyes are watchful,
Your ears are list'ning,
Your lips are speaking,
Friend at my side.

God's shield is 'round me,
God's host defends me,
Saving from ill.
Angels of heaven,
Drive from me always
All that would harm me,
Stand by me still.

Mighty and Strong One,
King of creation,
Giver of rest,
Firmly confessing
Threeness of Persons,
Oneness of Godhead,
Trinity blest.

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