The One - Commentary

And the next song we're gonna talk about is a song called "
The One".
It's got an actual– It's a pretty interesting story.
A good friend of ours, and he also engineered our last album, and he engineered this album and did a bit of producing, um, Phillip Magee and his wife, Fiona...
Magee? (
Magee) laughter
It's really weird– It's so weird actually saying Fiona Magee because we're so used to them not being married, but, anyway...
Fiona Magee and Phil Magee.
Ehm, they were getting married and, uh, the night before their wedding I'd promised that I'd write them a song and play it for them at their wedding– (and you didn't bother until the last–?) And I didn't bother until the very last minute the night before (
And then he came over to my house the morning of the wedding; taught it to me on guitar, lyrics, played it that night.
We didn't think nothing of it) Yeah... (
And then we recorded it and we thought, "
Yeah, this has to go on the album.") To be honest, it's a bit of a blur because it was a messy night; it was a wedding, and uh... (just full of [undecipherable]) Yeah... (
That can't get it) It's quite funny actually...
But, um, this is The One.

Writer(s): Garret Lee, Jason Boland, Mark Prendergast, Vincent May, Stephen Garrigan
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