Down South - Commentary

Down South
This song has basically been worth under a pile of other songs
That our producer Nathan's wife, Stephanie actually is a co-writer on
I didn't know it was his wife, I fell inlove with the song
'Cause we had a CD
And some stuff I fell inlove with the song and the
The track, and the guitars, and the vocals, and and the message and stuff
I was like, man, who was this girl singer?
She's... she's so good
That's my wife
He was like that's my wife
So, sure enough that song's in the family
And we actually, we changed it a lot
We gave it a lot of energy than they want the demo had
The demo's maybe a lot more American honey
And we kind of gave it a little bit of more
A rawness and edge to it
It's not just about Down South
It's just about
I can't get... want to. yearning for home
Yearning for that familiarity
Of what you're used to and what you grow up with
And your actions, you know directions are all relational I mean
It could be you're from ... and you're going Down South to New York State
You know what I mean
So, it's really not just about the south and that second verse
Is one of my favorite verses in the song that I've heard in a really, really
Long time
Religion and me don't always agree
But I sure love my maker
I think we have found the golden ticket to that song
Religion and me don't always agree
But I sure love my maker
Sounds just like a gospel song
When I sing my lil prayer

Writer(s): Stephanie Chapman, Christian Rada, David Thomson
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