Get It Wrong, Get It Right - Spotify Interview

Um, Get It Wrong, Get It Right?
Sort of as bad in each other needed to open the record
To sort of begin the momentum like stoke the fire so that everything could start
To move properly into the records
Get It Wrong, Get It Right is where it needs to culminate
You need to kind of come to a fireside and
And have–
You need to after a lot of rhetorical questions and sort of this
Maybe the hobbit style epic journey with many chapters

You know, come fireside to consider that possibly
In the midst of all of these never knowing what's going to happen next
That everything could potentially turn out all right, you know
So, it's a little bit not a bow at the end
It's not like saying everything is fine, but it's
There's the possibility that you could still in the midst of all these questions
Try to get it right or even possibly actually get it right

Writer(s): Leslie Feist
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